

夏天即将结束,学校即将开学, 开车时更加勤奋是很重要的, 走, 和滚动. 使用下面的建议 国家安全委员会.org 下载"返校安全清单“今年秋天送给你的家人. 


孩子是否走路, 骑他们的自行车, 或者乘公共汽车去学校, 他们采取适当的安全预防措施是极其重要的. 这里有一些建议,以确保您的孩子安全上学: 

步行者 »


  • 走在人行道上, if one is available; when on a street with no sidewalk, 面朝车流走
  • 在你过马路之前,停下来看看左右,看看是否有汽车开过来
  • Make eye contact with drivers before crossing and always cross streets at crosswalks or intersections
  • 保持警惕,避免走神

自行车车手 »

Teach your child the rules of the road and practice riding the bike route to school with your child.

  • 骑在道路的右侧,与车辆一起,排成一个纵队
  • Come to a complete stop before crossing the street; walk bikes across the street
  • 保持警惕,避免分心骑行
  • 确保你的孩子总是戴着合适的头盔和明亮的衣服

公车 »


  • 和你的孩子一起去公共汽车站,教他们正确上下车的方法
  • 教你的孩子站在离路边6英尺(或3大步)的地方
  • 如果你的孩子必须在公共汽车前面过马路, teach him or her to walk on the side of the road until they are 10 feet ahead of the bus; your child and the bus driver should always be able to see each other

开车送孩子上学 »


  • 遵守学校区域的速度限制,并遵循学校的下车程序
  • 与过马路的孩子进行眼神交流
  • 千万不要让儿童上车或下车
  • The area 10 feet around a school bus is the most dangerous for children; stop far enough back to allow them to safely enter and exit the bus

青少年司机 »

车祸是最可怕的. 青少年的头号死因. 幸运的是,IM电竞App官网可以做些什么.

  • Teens crash because they are inexperienced; practice with new drivers every week, 在他们拿到驾照之前和之后
  • Set a good example; drive the way you want your teen to drive
  • 签署“新司机协议”,这是一项帮助确定父母和青少年期望的协议


许多与学校有关的伤害是完全可以预防的. 遵循以下步骤确保孩子在学校的安全.

背包 »

Choose a backpack for your child carefully; it should have ergonomically designed features to enhance safety and comfort.

  • Ask your children to use both straps 当IM电竞App官网aring their backpack to evenly distribute the weight on their shoulders
  • Don't overstuff a backpack; it should weigh no more than 5% to 10% of your child's body weight
  • Rolling backpacks should be used cautiously since they can create a trip hazard in crowded school hallways

游乐场和运动 »

  • 减少操场上的窒息危险, 你的孩子把项链和带绳的夹克留在家里了吗
  • 当你的孩子做运动时,可能会有一些磕碰和擦伤, 但头部受伤绝不应被忽视